Package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl

This package contains implementation of some interfaces defined in net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.


Class Summary
InArchiveImpl Implementation of IInArchive.
InputStreamSequentialInStream Input stream based implementation of ISequentialInStream.
OutArchive7zImpl 7z specific archive create and update class.
OutArchiveBZip2Impl BZip2 specific archive create and update class.
OutArchiveGZipImpl GZip specific archive create and update class.
OutArchiveImpl<T extends IOutItemBase> Common archive create and update class.
OutArchiveTarImpl Tar specific archive create and update class.
OutArchiveZipImpl Zip specific archive create and update class.
OutItem Implementation of the all IOutItemXxx interfaces.
OutItemFactory<T extends IOutItemBase> Factory for the OutItem objects.
RandomAccessFileInStream Implementation of IInStream using RandomAccessFile.
RandomAccessFileOutStream Implementation of IOutStream using RandomAccessFile.
SequentialInStreamImpl Deprecated. use InputStreamSequentialInStream
VolumedArchiveInStream This helper class allows merging multiple instances of IInStream interface into one.

Package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl Description

This package contains implementation of some interfaces defined in net.sf.sevenzipjbinding. It contains also some handy tool classes to with 7-Zip-JBinding.

Boris Brodski
See Also: