Class OutItemFactory<T extends IOutItemBase>

  extended by net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.OutItemFactory<T>
Type Parameters:
T - the type of the corresponding archive item data class (out item), like IOutItem7z or IOutItemZip. Use IOutItemAllFormats interface to support all available archive formats. Return type for of the all create methods of the factory.

public class OutItemFactory<T extends IOutItemBase>
extends java.lang.Object

Factory for the OutItem objects. The E type parameter references one of the archive format specific interfaces IOutItemXxx or the archive format independent interface IOutItemAllFormats to get access to subset of the OutItem methods.

The purpose of the archive format specific interfaces IOutItemXxx is to hide methods unrelated to the corresponding archive format. For example, GZip format doesn't support the attributes property and so the IOutItemGZip interface doesn't contain corresponding getters and setter. The Zip archive format on the other hand does support the attributes property defining the methods:

Boris Brodski

Method Summary
 T createOutItem()
          Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an archive item in create archive operations or a new archive item in update archive operations.
 T createOutItem(int updateOldArchiveItemIndex)
          Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an existing archive item in update operations.
 T createOutItemAndCloneProperties(int updateOldArchiveItemIndex)
          Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an existing archive item in update operations.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public T createOutItem()
Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an archive item in create archive operations or a new archive item in update archive operations. For existing items in update archive operations use

a new instance suitable for create archive operations


public T createOutItem(int updateOldArchiveItemIndex)
                                     throws SevenZipException
Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an existing archive item in update operations. The created object will be configured to remain old data and old properties.

Following use cases within the IOutCreateCallback.getItemInformation(int, OutItemFactory) method are suggested:

updateOldArchiveItemIndex - index of the existing archive item in the existing (old) archive
a new instance
SevenZipException - 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use SevenZipException.printStackTraceExtended() to get stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.


public T createOutItemAndCloneProperties(int updateOldArchiveItemIndex)
                                                       throws SevenZipException
Create an instance of the E (IOutItemXxx interface).

This method set default values for an existing archive item in update operations. Also all properties of the old archive item get copied into the new instance and can be modified later on. This method is suitable to change some but not all of the properties of the old archive item during update operations.

updateOldArchiveItemIndex - index of the existing archive item in the existing (old) archive
a new instance
SevenZipException - 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use SevenZipException.printStackTraceExtended() to get stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.