Package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding

This package contains basis enumerations, interfaces and classes of main SevenZipJBinding interface.


Interface Summary
IArchiveExtractCallback If you want to provide a password to extract files, you should also implement ICryptoGetTextPassword within your IArchiveExtractCallback-implementation.
IArchiveOpenCallback Interface to recieve information about open archive progress
IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback Interface to provide information (properties and input streams) to open archive from volumes.
ICryptoGetTextPassword Interface to provide password to the archive engine
IInStream InStream interface used to operate with seeable input stream
IProgress This interface provides progress information of a process.
ISequentialInStream Interface used to operate with sequential input stream.
ISequentialOutStream Interface used to operate with sequential output stream.
ISevenZipInArchive One to one binding of original 7-Zip dll.

Class Summary
PropertyInfo Container for property information attributes.
SevenZip 7-Zip-JBinding entry point class.

Enum Summary
ArchiveFormat Enumeration of all supported archive types.
ExtractAskMode Enumeration of 'Ask Modes' for extract operations
ExtractOperationResult Enumeration of possible operation results by extracting operations.
PropID Enumeration for possible archive and archive item properties

Exception Summary
SevenZipException SevenZip core exception.
SevenZipNativeInitializationException SevenZip initialization exception.

Package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding Description

This package contains basis enumerations, interfaces and classes of main SevenZipJBinding interface. The interface is a mapping of C++ interface and so not much comfortable for java developer. There are another simplified interface, which provides simple but reduced access to 7-Zip library.

Boris Brodski
See Also: